
Archive for the ‘economics politics’ Category

What is a lobbyist and why do they exist? Lobbyists petition congressmen to prevent government from passing laws that will hurt their industry. On the other hand they petition congressmen to vote for laws that give them an advantage over competitors. This is a vicious cycle that never ends. First of all it’s a violation of the constitution to pass laws that restrict commerce. Secondly it would therefore be an obstruction of commerce to give one business favor over another by legislation that would restrict the free flow of commerce. This is also why under constitutional law we are not under a Nazi, Fascist socialist or Communist economic system. At least were not supposed to be.

But they do it anyway and here is why. This stated after the First World War and got a lot worse after the Second World War. The politicians learned they could make millions in campaign contributions, using first the threat of regulation on particular industries and then getting bribed or paid in the form of contributions not to pass those restrictive regulations. This is really illegal under the founding rules of our government, but congress has changed the original laws and made new ones to fit their greedy needs. Now we have the problems that we have on account of it. It is no more than legalized bribing of a politician. This as most know is also illegal. So what this all boils down to is we have a bunch of crooks in Washington running the country. But it has been made legal by the politicians.

At the same time the public blames the corrupt corporations for all their problems and the real truth is it’s the corrupt government that creates all the problems. The politicians and the unions are always blaming big business for why things are so hard on you. But I have asked many people who were on a rant about how it’s the corrupt corporations this question. I asked them to name one time you have been ripped off and had something taken away or stolen by a corporation. They had no answer. They were however smart enough to realize after a few seconds of thought that they never had lost anything to a corporation and that’s what their unions that told them all their problems were from the greedy corporations. Others said that’s what they had read it in an article. No one I had ever ask that question could answer, not one.

 This is a big part of the disinformation game of the politicians shifting blame. Everyone else is at fault and it’s never the politicians fault. The most recent example is the healthcare bill 2,700 pages of new regulation. It’s those greedy insurance companies and they are the cause of all your healthcare expense problems. But in fact it is the regulation on the healthcare industry over the past 40 years that makes the healthcare cost goes up a rate of 7 to 10% every year. But since you pay the insurance companies you believe they are the bad guys. It’s a giant shell game of shifting the blame and always hiding the truth from you. This is the case in every industry in the country. They are only trying to survive as a business. They provide jobs for 80% of the working public. How can they really be the bad guys?

 If government was not constantly passing new regulations or laws to restrict business in some way there would be no business for the lobbyists and if there no demand for an industry like the lobbyists then it would just disappear. The corruption is built into the system we now have. Since Washington has become nothing more than a law factory this will not change. If you don’t play the game, you don’t get the bribes or payoffs in the guise of contributions and you don’t have the money to get reelected. This has created a very corrupt political system and there seems to be no way to correct the problem. The only way we could possibly change it, is if we could get 535 new congressmen and women to promise in a written contract to stop it and that’s not going to happen.

2012 What's really going to happen in 2012

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 • A new 3.6% tax on all investment income including capital gains. That means that the capital gains tax rate (including California state tax) will rise to 33.9%. The tax on dividend income will rise from 15% today to 53.7% including California tax.

 • Additional Medicare tax on self employment income and wages. This removes the current cap on wages subject to this tax and it will effectively move the top income tax rate from 35% to 43.4% within a couple of years. Add in the California tax again and would then be close to a 54% marginal tax rate. I believe that this is the highest of any major industrialized country. But because spending is so high we would still have $1 trillion-dollar annual deficits even after this tax.

 • There is a 2.9% tax on all medical “devices”, which basically means everything used in a doctor’s office or hospital. Including gowns, syringes, and the like. This will increase health care costs for everyone who does not get free government insurance.

 • The deduction for Medical expenses is currently limited to those expenses that exceed 7.5% or your income. This will be raised to a threshold of 10% of your income. This means that fewer people will get any tax relief from medical expenses they pay for themselves.

 • There are various taxes on anything a person might do to pay for their own medical expenses. Things like Health Savings Accounts, Cafeteria Plans, and Flexible Savings Accounts are ways for people to save their OWN money for their OWN medical care on a pre-tax basis will be limited and taxed. This is all part of the way that President Obama gets to government-run health care by making it illegal or costly to pay for your own care so you have to go to the government.

 • A 10% tax on tanning services. I call this the “Jersey Shore tax”. This one has to be really upsetting to ‘The Situation’, Snookie, and Pauly D.

 • A tax on self-insured health plans. This is another penalty on those who try to pay for their own health care.

 • A new tax on pharmaceutical manufacturers. This will raise the price of drugs for everyone who does not get them from the government for free.

 • A new tax on “Cadillac” health plans. This is an up to 55% tax on any health insurance that costs over about $800 per month including employee and employer contributions. This tax does not apply if you are a union member or your plan is from AARP or Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. These are major Democratic constituencies and they exempted them. For everyone else, this discourages comprehensive health coverage. Isn’t that what the President says he is trying to achieve? Like most of what the President says, his actions are not even close to his words.

  There is a new tax on all ‘for-profit’ health insurance companies (except for a few favored ones). This will also raise the costs of premiums for everyone not getting free care from the government.

 • If you don’t buy health insurance (as dictated acceptable by a new federal czar), you will be fined up to 2.5% of your income even if you pay all of your medical expenses yourself. If your company does not provide said health insurance to all employees, the company will be fined up to $2,000 per employee.

  61% of Americans (including both Democrats and Republicans) are against the bill, those for it the majority have no idea about the taxes included in it. The 2300 page bill was finally released to Republicans TODAY and will be voted on in less than 48 hours.

 2012 What's really going to happen in 2012

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I know what all this leads to, do you?  Here is a list of what the current congress and president Obama has done or is planning to do to the American people.

1. Healthcare is now law it has been passed now we have to deal with it at an estimated cost of $242 billion in additional insurance premiums and taxes.

2. Next, cap-and-trade also known as the clean energy act. I estimate this will increase the cost of gasoline and electricity by $264 Billion

3. Then will get amnesty for illegal aliens. This will give legal status to 12 to 20 million illegal aliens and allow their extended families into the country. The extended family part of the legislation allows 48 million more foreign workers into the country. I estimate the current lost wages due to jobs being taken by the illegal aliens already here at over $ 200 billion

4. 16,000 New IRS agents to enforce the new tax laws from the healthcare bill to get even more money out of working taxpaying Americans who refuse to get the coverage or pay the fine.

5. Value added tax is coming this is a federal sales tax that will be paid by the stores that we shop at before we buy a product the tax will be built into the price.

6. The end of the two President Bush tax cuts at the end of 2010. On January 1 of 2011 federal taxes will go back to their much higher levels prior to 2001.

This is an assault on the American working class and somehow the liberal progressive fringe news media will spin all the above into it’s not a tax increase.
A war has been declared on the American people by our very own government all in the name of fairness and wealth redistribution.  As each one of the mention new pieces of legislation passes and becomes law it will force up the cost of everything we buy, Raise taxes to the all working citizens and at the same time allows millions of illegal aliens to stay in the country legally to take existing jobs at a much lower wage and allows many millions more into the country to take jobs that do still exist. They are trying to do this while we are still in the deepest and longest recession since the great depression. It defies all logic and it’s irresponsible. This looks like an assault to me, what do you think?

2012 What's really going to happen in 2012

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Socialism, Communism or Capitalism?

The liberal, progressive democrats like both political and economic systems of socialism and communism. There only minor differences between the two different forms of political and economic systems. There is a very fine line in both systems they treat people the same economically. The whole social political system is designed around wealth redistribution and so-called safety nets that don’t work. European economies have failed for the last 40 years prior to that they were being rebuilt by the united states from all the destruction of the Second World War. Once they lost the support of all the American money from the rebuilding it was all downhill from there. The socialism political and economic systems that the Europeans like so much lead them to a stagnant extremely low growth rates of 1%, very high unemployment of 10% or higher and perpetual never-ending recession.

 I have studied and followed these political and economic systems for over 30 years and the only difference is the socialism in Europe allows some capitalism and the Europeans never murdered 50 million of their own people like communist Russia did. The liberal progressive fringe news media doesn’t want the American people to know how bad things are economically in Europe. The liberal progressive democrats want Americans to think there social programs are great. The truth is their economy stinks under Europeans socialism and has for a very long time. Five or six years ago the European people knew their socialism was unsustainable and were running from it as fast as they could in their elections. Now here we are running as fast as we can towards a political and economic System that has never worked. It won’t take 40 years for our economy to collapse because it already has.

The constitution allows for the capitalism that we have. Capitalism is within the constitution allows for capitalism to exist. There a place in there that says Congress shall pass no laws that will hinder the free flow of commerce, although they interfere with the free flow of commerce constantly with massive regulation.

2012 What's really going to happen in 2012

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Lobbyists that get paid to bribe politicians to keep them from passing regulations on business that will hurt the bottom line. The regulations are threatened to get the lobbyists to pay the politicians money not to do it. This is Legalized bribing and extortion. It’s all unconstitutional but new laws have been passed to circumvent the constitution

 Way too many social programs and wealth redistribution. Cost of wealth redistribution programs 1.9 trillion in 2010 cost of federal deficit 1.6 trillion. Do you see what I mean?

 A dummied down population that thinks money grows on trees and if the government provides it then it’s somehow free.  They want a Canadian style social system. The money comes from tax payers not trees.

 A liberal progressive fringe news media that is no more than a wing of the current Democratic controlled government that controls 85% of all news broadcast and print media. We do in fact have a state-run or government controlled news media system. This is what they do in communist countries.

 The current administrating is more worried about creating new social programs then about correcting the problems in the economy. This is very troublesome considering, who the heck is going to pay for all the new socialism if we are still losing jobs. I know the liberals and progressives think we can just print money forever. But despite what liberals and progressive democrats think, that’s not the way it works.

 2012 What's really going to happen in 2012

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Most countries have always disliked us. The foreign news media is very hard on the United States, here are the facts. They are in fact socialist and capitalism threatens their way of life. They print and say and teach it in their schools and colleges all kinds of lies about America. They say all kinds of nasty hate full lies about America. Does that sound familiar? They claim we through people into the streets when they go to a hospital for healthcare, that’s not true. They say we have no unemployment insurance that’s not true. Basically we have every social program the socialists do but in Europe they tell it different. It all boils down to our capitalist economic system use to work better than there socialist system.

In Europe their economies in the best of times grow at 1% while here in the United States we grow at an average of 3.5% and in good time 5 to 6%. Why they don’t like America is specifically because we threaten their socialist way of life. The second biggest reason is our freedoms or rights of the people, for which most other countries have none. This country is unique; there is no other country that has a bill of rights like ours. This is also why most of the other countries don’t like us. This is a struggle that started 150 years ago with Marxism or socialism. Our way of life also threatens kings and dictatorships. It’s all really propaganda and the telling of lies. They will all miss us when were gone.

2012 What's really going to happen in 2012

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There seems to be so much anger on the internet blogs about Fox news from liberals, can’t they just not watch fox news and choose different news programs if they don’t like it? Why are the liberals and progressives so over the top emotionally about one news program out of hundreds of other choices? 

I have been following the liberal progressive news media for 44 years or since 1966. They have been lying to the public for a least that long. Until Fox news the liberal’s progressive news media had no competition as they have only been around about 12 years. They can’t seem to stand it that someone has an opposing opinion. They also don’t like it that the real truths of what liberals or progressives want to do to the country is being exposed. The American people will not stand for becoming a socialist European style country. I did not learn what I know from watching glen beck or listening to rush Limbaugh I wrote a book 20 years ago that predicted what is happening right now. The liberal, progressive news media spends most of their time trying to convince the public that Fox news is telling the people lies. Of course the opposite is true and the numbers prove it to be so. I watch all of them.

 I would say by the ratings of Fox news the liberals are not doing a very good job of convincing the public. Six times more people watch fox news then any of the other liberal progressive cable stations and ten times more than MSNBC. The more the liberal or progressives talk the more people watch Fox News. Americans are not stupid, just a little slow to catch on and that’s because there is so much disinformation. That’s the way the numbers are working out. I can sit in front of MSNBC for ten minutes and record pages of disinformation given to the public. I can’t write as fast as they can lie. I have lived history and I already know the truth and I don’t need them to tell me what the truth is.

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That I know of there is on one station that is considered right-wing and that’s Fox news. Then there is talk radio. I watch or listen to them most of the time and I don’t see were telling the truth is hateful. There is no one who gets hateful vitriol or verbally violent on fox news or the radio station in my area. Perhaps when I see someone reporting the facts I don’t see it the same way as someone who likes the president and wants the economically suicidal legislation passed. I have run the numbers on both bills. Health care and cap-and-trade each one of them by them self’s would be very damaging to the economy. Each one of these bills would immediately cost hundreds of thousands of jobs each month. I am an accountant who has done cost analysis for 32 years. What is hateful about exposing bad Ideas?

Healthcare is what everyone seems concerned with. No one is dying because we don’t have the healthcare bill passed. If you don’t have insurance they don’t toss you out in the street. The more likely scenario to play out in the real world is if you do have insurance and you are in the hospital, they toss you out because you have reached the limits of your paid healthcare insurance. I have firsthand experience at both.

2012 What's really going to happen in 2012

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